Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Ergonomics Movement and Socialization in Indonesia

In Indonesia, ergonomics as a discipline of science is still new. The term of ergonomic is often confused with agronomy or economy. Some definitions have been developed based on their field of interest. Mostly, ergonomics is simplify defined as designing around a comfortable chair. Others try to relate it with healthy and safety work, human factors in product design, man-machine systems, motion and time study, productivity improvement, etc. As a science, ergonomics is taught explicitly in engineering, medical, or psychology courses by different names but with the same substance. Ergonomics was introduced in Indonesia about many decades ago by academicians and the local universities, industries and government.

Furthermore, the ergonomics movement came from academicians from abroad who worked in the some Indonesian universities. Ergonomic courses are given especially in the curriculum of industrial engineering department e.g. applied ergonomics, industrial ergonomics, work design & measurement, facilities design and layout, safety engineering and management, human factors engineering in product design; and macro ergonomics such as industrial organization, TQM, productivity analysis, performance measurement, supply chains management, etc. They conducted ergonomics research and courses in the engineering and management undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs; and also conducted seminars, workshops and conferences and did consultancy with the local industries. They already developed a network with other disciplines not only in the field of engineering such as engineering physics, architecture, mechanical, environmental, informatics, etc; but also outside engineering such as industrial product design, agricultural, psychology, medical, public health etc.

Ergonomics and OHS are also practiced mostly in industrial big companies, such as Toyota Astra Motors, IPTN, etc.; where there are manufacturing technology (and also management) transfers from their parents (industrial advanced countries) such as Japan, USA, Germany, etc. to Indonesia and other industrial developed countries. Some chemical and mining industries such as petrochemicals, cements, oil and gas, etc particularly concern with occupational health and safety. The ergonomics and OHS awareness or movement actually came from the top management of the multinational companies which had educated or were from the industrial advanced industries. They could see the benefits of ergonomics in terms of improving productivity, quality and OHS of the workers when it was practiced in their own countries, thus they encouraged the locals to adopt ergonomics. However, because of the limited education or training course in the field of ergonomics, most local engineers and also managers in many industries are not aware of ergonomics and OHS.

For that reason, Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (Indonesia Ergonomics Association) was officially established by national ergonomist meeting on October 10, 1987 in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) with the mission of providing education, research and consultancy on ergonomics application for enhancing productivity and quality of work life. Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) was particularly developed for organizing academician, researcher, industrial practitioner, or professional to implement the ergonomics method and approach in the area of micro-or-macro ergonomics. Some of PEI programs could be described such as conduct joint research program, developed ergonomics curriculum and standardization of laboratory in higher education, organized seminars or workshop (national/international) periodically, developed cultural and national ergonomic standard (e.g. anthropometry), and socialization and publication to promote ergonomics and OHS

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